Small Business Sales & Customer Acquisition
Converting Leads Into Customers
Once you have a lead machine that is filling the top of your pipeline you need to nurture those leads and move them through a structured sales process, so they receive the right information at the right time, enabling them to make the right decision and use you to solve their problems.
Fixing Your Leaky Bucket
Modern sales is all about being human, holistic and helpful at each stage of your sales process. Your focus must be on helping your buyer to get the right information, to make the right buying decision for them and the outcome they are looking to achieve.
Most businesses I speak to do not have a lead generation problem, they have enough leads and trafic coming into their business. They have a conversion problem, that is to say they have a porrly optimised sales process that does not convert leads into customers in a predictable way. You must break down your process into stages and then ensure each stage is converting as it should be. The rule of thumb is to aim for a minimum of 25% conversion (1 in 4) leads into customers, then build form there. Fix your leaky bucket first, then add volume to it.
Small Business Sales
Driving Predictable Sales Conversion
Do it once - Do it right - Revise it annually!
In every business I have owned and worked with over the past 30 years, my focus has been on strategy first. The high strike rate of success and building companies that I have seen can be directly attributed to this one focus and going deep in 12 key areas, to drive all activity going forward.
I encourage you to do the same and over the next three months, sit down each week and go deep on your business in the following 12 areas. Put it down on paper, as something magical happens when we commit our thoughts to paper, build up an A4 folder with 12 sections in it, as I show in the video above. Then do not think of this as a done once process, you will spend the rest of this year executing on your strategy and then re-visit it again next year. Make this a habit and you will never look back. I promise.
Go Be Remarkable!!
The 4 Stages Of Your Small Business Sales Process
When you start planing out your own small business growth strategy it is critical that you focus on developing a detailed plan that will remove any guesswork from your daily execution. It will act as your blueprint for what you are doing, who is doing it, what results you expect to generate and what you are measuring to see if you are on-track or off-track.
Below are the twelve elements that I personally work on over 90 days with a client and in my own businesses.
- Goals & Objectives
- Target Market
- Business Positioning
- Competitors & Market Place
- Your Product Ecosystem
- Your Sales plan
- Your Marketing Plan
- Your Talent & Recruitment Plan
- Operational Delivery
- Remarkable Service & Support
- Your Business System & Technology
- Analytics & Metrics – Measure everything!
The Remarkable Business Growth Strategy
Strategy drives tactics. When you have a remarkable growth strategy in place, everything you do and execute on a daily basis is driven by that strategy. In this incredible guide Richard Mawer, the CEO and Founder of Ignite Growth Consultancy and author of the Amazon #1 best selling book “Remarkable Business Growth” shares the 12 elements that are pivotal when you create the growth strategy for your business.
Let’s Talk About Your Small Business Growth
Book A Free 1 Hour Strategy Call With Me
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Want to get started ? Let’s have a quick strategy call to discuss your revenue goals, opportunities, challenges, gaps and timescales to put in place a strategy for the next 12 months!